Digital Audio Control Protocol

Digital Audio Control Protocol (DACP) is a protocol used by the Apple Remote application (app) on iOS mobile devices (iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch) to control iTunes running on a remote computer.

By connecting the remote computer to loudspeakers, directly or indirectly, for example via Apple's Airport Express, the mobile device can be used as a two-way WLAN music remote control. With the introduction of TunesRemote+,[1] Android, Symbian and Nokia N9 users can also access DACP servers.



DACP clients can connect to any DACP enabled server. The original was the Apple Remote for iPhone connecting to iTunes. There are now multiple clients for multiple platforms.

Apple Remote
Apple Remote[2] is the original DACP client and the specification was created specifically for iTunes remote control.
CuteRemote[3] remote controller for Nokia Phones.
TunesRemote+[1] for Google Android is a fork of Jeff Sharkey's original TunesRemote project. The project's goal is to mirror Apple Remote functionality for the iPhone on Android.
TunesRemote-SE[4] combines the DACP control software from TunesRemote+ with the graphical user interface from Firefly Client to produce an application that can control a DACP server from any computer with Java.
Remote for iTunes
Remote for iTunes[5] by Hyperfine Software[6] for Android lets users control DACP servers via their home Wi-Fi network.
Remote for Windows Phone 7
Remote for Windows Phone 7[7] by Komodex Software[8] lets users control DACP servers from their home Wi-Fi network.
yTrack[9] is a simple iPad application that browses a remote DACP library and let users control it. In short, this is an equivalent to the Apple Remote iPhone app.
Name Platform Developer Status
Apple Remote[2] iPad, iPhone, iPod Apple Inc. active
CuteRemote+[3] Symbian and Nokia N9 Tero Siironen active
TunesRemote+[1] Google Android Google Code Project[10] active
TunesRemote-SE[4] Java Nick Glass active
Remote for iTunes[5] Google Android Hyperfine Software[6] active
Remote for Windows Phone 7[7] Windows Phone 7 Komodex Software[8] active
yTrack[9] iPad Fabrice Dewasmes[11] active


Third party DACP servers that conform to the latest DACP specification. These servers should be able to be connected to from any valid DACP client such as Apple Inc.'s Remote application (app) on the iPhone or TunesRemote+[1] applications.

Apple iTunes
Apple iTunes is the original DACP server and the specification was created specifically for Itunes remote control.
MonkeyTunes for MediaMonkey
In 2009 Melloware Inc.,[12] released MonkeyTunes,[13] the first known "third-party" DACP server for MediaMonkey that is fully compliant with Apple's DACP protocol.
TouchRemote for Foobar2000
In 2009 Wintense[14] released TouchRemote,[15] a plugin (component) for the foobar2000 music player, implementing a DACP server that is fully compliant with Apple's DACP protocol allowing Apple Inc.'s Remote application to be used.
In 2011 Albumon, released a DACP plugin for their software AlbumPlayer which is a full featured jukebox player for the PC.
Telescope for Songbird
In 2010 Wilco[16] released Telescope[17] for the Songbird music player, implementing a DACP server that is fully compliant with Apple's DACP protocol, and a standard web service and mobile browser interface.
RhythmBox for Gnome
In 2010 native DACP support was added to Rhythmbox after a Google Summer of Code project by Alexandre Rosenfeld.[18]
Name Platform Developer Status
iTunes Mac, Win Apple Inc. active
MonkeyTunes for MediaMonkey Win Melloware Inc. active
AlbumPlayer Win Albumon active
TouchRemote[15] Win Wintense[14] active
Telescope[17] Mac, Win Wilco[16] active
Rhythmbox Linux Alexandre Rosenfeld[18] active

See also


External links